Principal's Message

Dadhichi College of Pharmacy has an excellent infrastructure with a
sophisticated and ambient research atmosphere, international standards,
highly qualified, and dedicated faculty and staff, who are committed to
providing an outstanding educational experience to the students.
The faculty members contribute substantially to the academia through quality teaching, publications, seminars conferences, etc. of Pharmacy has established itself to be a center of excellence in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Eastern India.
Many companies are visiting the campus for placements. The placement cell
is in constant contact with the leading industries. I believe that any student of
our institute will never face any difficulty to get employment as well as the
opportunity for higher studies.
At Dadhichi College of Pharmacy, you will learn new concepts, unlearn a few,
widen your horizons, apply your mind, explore your talents, and take up a
social responsibility to improve the healthcare system and ultimately become
an ethical professional and responsible citizen. So my dear students utilize
your college days to create a solid foundation of knowledge to be a technically
competent professional and healthcare provider. Here's wishing you a very
happy and healthy career in Pharmacy.
At last, I would conclude with this quote:
"Watch your thoughts, they become words,
Watch your words, they become actions,
Watch your actions, they become habits,
Watch your habits, they become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny"
Dr. Rajat Kumar Kar (Principal)
Dadhichi Group of Institution